Upcoming Events at Woodbridge Farm

Schooling Shows
March through October - 2024
Click here for more info

Marin Chapter CDS Show
May 19, 2024
3 Star Show
(S) Judge Jan Curtis
Show Contact - Kathy Goldstein
Phone - (415) 608-2770

Shelley Siegel Show
June 1-2, 2024
USEF, USDF, CDS Recognized Show
Judge: Kathy Pavlich
Come Join Us at Woodbridge Farms, A Premier Owner Operated Facility
← Enjoy Our Aerial Video
- Located on the East side of Petaluma, CA
- Excellent Trainers & Clinicians
- A State-of-the-Art Barn
- Beautiful Grounds, Indoor & Outdoor Rings
- A Casual, Supportive Environment
- A Full Service Care Facility
Riders of All Levels Welcome at Woodbridge Farm!
ABOUT Woodbridge Farms
An integral part of the Woodbridge Farms ethos is to encourage safe social interactions between the horses. To this end, they’ve created large, grassy fields where horses can play, interact, and rest in a natural setting. This helps to create a balanced lifestyle that aligns with the horses’ inherent social behaviors.
Beyond this, Woodbridge Farms is an oasis of tranquility, promoting a peaceful and positive environment that’s away from the typical hustle and bustle. This serene atmosphere aids in enhancing the overall well-being of the horses, ensuring they are not just physically fit but also emotionally healthy.
In summary, Woodbridge Farms offers a comprehensive approach to horse care, uniting the principles of natural socialization, physical exercise, and mental well-being to provide the best possible environment for its equine residents.